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The Makings of an Entrepreneur: The i, eye, & mind

Writer's picture: Amera FattahAmera Fattah

It's almost February! Are your new year resolutions still getting started or slightly delayed?

"How do you reconfigure your cognition to redesign you as whatever form of who you perceive as true?" was one of last month's conversations.

If the brain is not a computer, is it a mechanism of drive?

Our perception of our reception is a sensory experience for the signs, science and synchronicities to become one within our experiment.

  • Consider your New Year's resolutions.

  • Consider your placement in your present reality.

  • Consider January, February, March, April, so on...

  • Consider 2022, 2023, 2024, 2034, 3024, so on...

  • Consider all of the ages you've been.

  • Consider all of the places you've been.

  • Consider all of the faces you've been.

  • Consider all of your "been's" as spaces you've been a be+ing.

The greatest gift we can gift our presence is the questioning of our existence, our presence and our potential.

Through the question of "why?" we answer every thing after "I".

"Why this" answers why that. Through asking our why's, we access our own wise.

Pause. Breathe. Be.

Within our eyes, we filter through to our i's. Our reception of our perception is to pause in our own presence.

The science, signs and synchronicities speak louder than our perception can.

After all, our experience is merely an observation of an observer as our self but through our selves.

Perhaps that's one way of our cognition to always be getting started. Perhaps that is a meracle of the mind; to meet us at our present now and gift us our wow.

Think of one question you would ask about a product description. Imagine this as a toy you're considering purchasing. You're at a store holding the toy box and reviewing the product. The packaging has pictures, colors, words, shapes, and other descriptive elements.

What are some of the considerations you have about the product? What are some of the questions you would ask about the product to purchase it? What are some of the questions you would ask about the product to make it? What are some of the questions you would ask about the product to sell it? What are some of the questions you would ask about the product to design it? What are some of the questions you would ask about the product to describe it?

All of these are questions that start with a curiosity; nevertheless, the intention of the question orients the answer. By asking a question, our brain is already wiring the reasoning of the intention which is what directs our attention.

These are simple methods of connecting a brand experience to your perceived experience. This is also a way of structuring the questions you have about creating your next reality.

Ask your Selfie:

"Why do I even WANT to feel this way?" is a question that can change your life.

Our dynamic mindset is intended to FEEL THROUGH emotions. Be grateful for the freedom of your thoughts.

Affirmation for self-expansion: "I am granted the magic of my individuality to think according to my personal magnificence."

▶️ Asking yourself "why" often is to sort through a series of solutions through feeling through a series of emotions.

Sometimes, we don't feel the freedom to express our emotions; nevertheless, we always have the power to hear the feelings. "Why do I even want to feel this way?" allows your selfie to be the observer of the emotion rather than the sponge of the situation.

Filter your feelings; you have the freedom of your thoughts through asking 'why''s and cape-ability to honor your wise. This is the magic of your selves reconstructing your self.

In any format, in every reality, it is the release to re lease. The permanence of an existence is the awareness of its existence. Both sides of sight - all sides of site. Be through. Be through. New | Knew You.

Establish a personal progress report for your self-ie.

Ask your selves questions through Curiosity:

  • M - ental Welllth - What are my intentions this week?

  • A - Authentically [Amera] - Grade Report

  • G - Generosity - How will I give back this week?

  • I - Imagination - Where's my next destination?

  • C - Cultivate Creativity - How can I connect with someone else through creativity?

Let your name be an alliteration for your character.

Then. Use it as a guide for your self-ie:

Mine is

🔸️A - Authentically Amazeing

🔸️M - Magnificent

🔸️E - Enthusiastic

🔸️R - Refreshing

🔸️A - Aligned

🪞 What does your name stand for?

🧠 What does your character speak of?

May you be your selfie And #GoWhereYouGrow ➡️➡️


A is for Advertainment Amera

Amera helps leaders alchemize their life-changing experiences into experiences that change lives through innovative brand design and business transformation through identity construction.

+ Speaker: Brand Identity + Relations

+ Designer: Brands + Events

+ Consultant: Marketing + Media

Amera is the artist cultivating communities on canvas' across brains everywhere. Her social platforms are opportunities to share pieces of us in each other - welcome to amera's am(a/u)zement mind. Her humanhood kicked off as an avidly involved student and lover of learning. Her fiery desires for wanting more - out of life, out of the community and out of the power of potential translated from visions of I to visions of the eye.

She is the voice of reason within youthful entrepreneurs and #IndependentBrands who want to build empires out of the ashes of their past. Her life motto: go where you grow. Have you ever been bullied for being you? Her, too. Bully is just another B in the alphabet of opportunity. Amera designed a world of B's via her imagination and innovation. Suite Storees is a #MixedReality social platform designed around her concept of Build Your Own Be.

Bestie, Brand, Brand Identity, Bee, Being, B. Just B. Build your own being by being your own selfie. Her design of #SelfieMuseums serve communities as immersive and experiential memoir museums. As a designer and event planner, time is a construct of design. Her ability to translate storees into #VisualDesign elements connects her to audiences across different realms. She meets you, connects the dots, and leads you in connecting the spots of build your brilliance as a #BrandIdentity.

So, ready to #GoWhereYouGrow?

Let's Go.

Your spot is saved. Your presence is the present.




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