4.30.22 | Telling Energies. Talking Vibes.

The way love feels is the celebration of the cellves, selves and self all in alignment through a perfect reality. In the life experience, we are beings of becomings as bodies of beauties in one of a kind as a one of a mind.
The energies we channel through are the portals we pass through. The practice we preach is the power to peak. At the top is the view. At the bottom is the vision; through everything invert the perspective, through nothing, shift the respective.
Our reception is as honest as our truth. Our respect is as wise as our youth.
The inner child of our best life is the style we grown from, through and to. Play through all of your possibilities.
Love is all of the probabilities.
What meracles align is what the universe designed.
See the beauty of every thing.

Become the beauty through nothing.
The class of elegance is the volume of your views, vision and visionairies.
The way we are is the way we become.
Be rooted in your growth. Rise through light. Rise through love. Rise through every thing in between.
The energy of the invisible is indivisible.
The power of the indivisible is everything as nothing.
You are love. You are you. You are I as 1.
5.1.22 | Potentiality Patterns of Alternate Selves

Forever grateful for the magic of meracles that meet the eye through the i. Just innovating imagination re-purposes our positioning in the state of mind to our metrics of self.
The vision of our future is the view of for+ever.
What does eternity look like?
How does everlasting feel like?
The morph@tion of the magnetism is an alignment of energy.
The formation of the alchemy is the design of self through the co+creation between the selves and cellves.

All of the styles of stories and all of the signs, science and synchronicities co+sign our truth as our true.
Who could I be as anything?
What would the I do?
Who is the you?
What is the me?

The mannerism of an identity system is the attraction of the identification solar self.
The alternative state of bexing as if human self is a matrix of mind and soul being is mate+rix of realities. The “out” there is a galaxy of something only through the comprehension of nothing.
How we transform our energy is our current state is the currency of connections.
A universal language of anything is an understood code of nothing.
The alternate realities are portals of possibilities to tune into frequencies: here the invisible, see the visible.
Be the indivisible. Be come the in+visible.

5.3.22 | Floating Through Shifts of Time

The way to see what’s speaking to and speaking with is the way through.
The pass+age of time is a port+all of mind. What we cant see through the eye is seen through the i. The memories of our identity are a gene+tics en+coding of systems, styles and stories.
The way view visions is the alignment of alchemy through the altruistic attraction of ambition.
What are we here for is the shift through activation and animation.
What is the style of self through the energy transference of universal frequencies?
It’s a co+ co+he(A)re+ance of realities as a multi+dimensional realm of multi+media displays of scenes.

The pattern of the scene is the depth of dimensions.
What frequency does the story of the scene de+sign?

The style of a self is an experience of cellves, selves, and self as a force of matter in the Earth world yet merely nothing in every other reality.
The soul is the pass+age of an identity system.
To time travel through the self, access the soul of the lives: with in, out and through you.
These are all merrors of I and alchemies of universal forces to alter the frequency pattern to align the vibe.
The sight unseen is the meracle of this dreMe.

5.5.22 | Gratitude Attitude of Higher Altitude.

The sight felt is a site seen.
The thoughts we choose to perceive are already received.
The art of allowing is the passing through you to style the i.
We’re all mechanisms of mind to appreciate this human experience for what we can alchemize with our formations.
The style of a self is the patterned attributes of co+creation.
What memories our re+made through our circa+ulations?
What memoires are designed through the assembly of our thoughts/ the way we see a perception os our you+niversal reception.
Free float through the air of your eMotions.

You are worthy to feel feelings of whatever thoughts arrive at your perception.
Within this realm of a reality, this human experience is a pace of a phase.
The eternal experiments is the space of our face(s).
The illusion of this now is that we are here as beings.
The delusion if the self is the DoxIngs.
The state of min(e/d) is a design of time.
How do you see your self through the scenes of your sights and sites?
How do you shift perspective between your human mode+alities?

The stepping into no+thing is a time travel of suiteness through the growth of sweetness.
Trust the joy journey. It’s live, alive and a life: The here + now.
In all the ways, one could reshape a narrative is by how the story is seen, felt and experienced.
A growth mindset is merely a state of min(e/d) in the now, now, now; so therefore any memory, memoire, or pictured story is in the “then” “then” “then.”
Our feelinks that are linking our thoughts, eMotions and feelings are the pattern gaps we recreate.
Between the space of nothing, our thoughts of something are the re+creation of a self.
Autopilot is the state of self: separate from selves, cellves, and a perceived self.
In the now, now, now, time expands from different dimensions of micro-macro.
What states of self are in between to be?
What does the state of min(e/d) view for a vision of spectrums of selves?
All encompassing is a re+direct of directions.
Separate styles of stories structure a theme of time based on experiment of the experience.
Styles of memories appear through different dimensions.

If you could time travel to any era of your selfie, where would you go?In the here + now, design your dream reality to go where you grow!
About this event: Selfie Made Web Workshops: Immersive Webinars / Virtual Networking forYouthful Entrepreneurs and Independent Brands
This series of virtual networking events are hosted online and in-person (depending on your ticket purchase) You can join the event at any time or based on your personal preference of theme. Invite your brands of brilliance to build your business. One Suite Storee at a time.

(Personal Development)
YOUthful Entrepreneurs: The Fusion Factor: Diverse entertainment featuring local artists, DJ's and dancers

(Mixed Reality Technology)
Step into a "See of CEO" and Become Your Next Best Boss. Build Your BE (Brain/Brand/Brilliance)

(Brand FUNdamentals)
Co+creating Community Contributors to Promote Content + Culture + Creativity through networking and net worthing.

(Multimedia Marketing)
Innovating Influencer Markets to Make a Mark in Multimedia Networks by imaginative and immersive events, experiential marketing +more

(Multi-Dimensional Motivation)
Building Brilliance: Boosting Brands + Business Into the Next Reality by Quantum Designing

(Business + Finance)
Designing Your DreME's: Revolutionizing the Present Through Your Selves and aligning your self through financial wellth + artistic health
IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE includes access to creative content, digital resources, interactive workbooks, access to The Art Pallery and featured in Chapter 2022 of Michigan's Brands and Businesses
Welcome home to BIAS Detroit: Home of Suite Storees' Brand Identity Animation Studios
Your spot is saved. Your presence is the gift. See our Upcoming Events + Ways to Stay Connected in the Here + Now >

A is for Advertainment Amera
Amera helps leaders alchemize their life-changing experiences into experiences that change lives through innovative brand design and storytelling your storee strengths.
+ Speaker: Brand Identity + Relations
+ Designer: Brands + Events
+ Consultant: Marketing + Media
Amera is the artist cultivating communities on canvas' across brains everywhere. Her social platforms are opportunities to share pieces of us in each other - welcome to amera's am(a/u)zement mind.
Her humanhood kicked off as an avidly involved student and lover of learning. Her fiery desires for wanting more - out of life, out of the community and out of the power of potential translated from visions of I to visions of the eye.
She is the voice of reason within youthful entrepreneurs and #IndependentBrands who want to build empires out of the ashes of their past.
Her life motto: go where you grow.
Have you ever been bullied for being you? Her, too. Bully is just another B in the alphabet of opportunity. Amera designed a world of B's via her imagination and innovation. Suite Storees is a #MixedReality social platform designed around her concept of Build Your Own Be.
Bestie, Brand, Brand Identity, Bee, Being, B. Just B.
Build your own being by being your own selfie. Her design of #SelfieMuseums serve communities as immersive and experiential memoir museums. As a designer and event planner, time is a construct of design. Her ability to translate storees into #VisualDesign elements connects her to audiences across different realms.
She meets you, connects the dots, and leads you in connecting the spots of build your brilliance as a #BrandIdentity.
So, ready to #GoWhereYouGrow?
Let's Go.
Your spot is saved. Your presence is the present.
@ AmeraFattah.com
#Chapter2022: https://www.suitestorees.com/apply